Trans Man Who Gave Birth Says Medical Staff Called Him ‘a Mother’ And Misgendered Him

Bennett Kaspar-Williams is a 36-year-old that describes himself as being ‘assigned female’ at birth and spent a decade of his life identifying as a ‘butch lesbian’ before he came out as non-binary trans. He has now told the world that he stopped his testosterone hormone therapy to get pregnant with his husband’s child!

Bennett met his husband Malik Kaspar-Williams back in 2017, three years after taking hormone therapy. The two live in Los Angeles and decided to start a family. Although Bennett has had surgery on the top half of his body, he decided to put a hold on his hormone treatment to get pregnant.

Thankfully, he did, and the two are now expecting their first baby!

Bennett says that he’s now a ‘seahorse dad’, referring to the animal whose males carry the baby.

When Bennett broke the news to his mom, she was shocked, but excited in the same time. He explained that he spent most of his adult life identifying as a lesbian, so when he told his mom that he was a non-binary trans person, she was struggling to grasp what it really meant at first. However, she eventually got it, and she has always been supportive of Bennett. He noted that he came out to her three times: once as a lesbian, once as trans, and once as a gay man, and she’s been proud and supportive every time.

While in the hospital, Bennett was very often misgendered – even though he has a beard and a flat chest.

‘The business of pregnancy – and yes, I say business, because the entire institution of pregnancy care in America is centred around selling this concept of “motherhood” – is so intertwined with gender that it was hard to escape being misgendered.
Even with a full beard, a flat chest, and a ‘male’ gender marker on all my identification, people could not help but default to calling me “mom”, “mother”, or “ma’am”.
‘That was what made me dysphoric.
‘Nothing about being pregnant felt “feminine” to me – in fact, I think carrying a child, isolated due to the pandemic, and facing all the hospitals and appointments alone was the absolute toughest, bravest thing I’ve ever done.
‘Nothing feels stronger than being able to say I’m a dad who created my own child.’ – he adds.

Nevertheless, both dads love being parents, and they’re the happiest when their son, Hudson, makes new discoveries.

‘Children are these amazing beings that don’t see the world with the same bias and preconceptions that adults do,’ – Bennet concludes.

Source: Daily Mail

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