Mansplainer Claims You Can Use Your Phone In Courtroom, Gets School By Woman Judge

Being a smarty-pants on the Internet is never a good idea. If you try to act like one, chances are people will put you in your place, and you’ll be schooled by someone more educated than you. Oh, and you’ll have to deal with the shame you’ve just experienced, possibly resulting in you deleting your social media accounts – at least for some time.

The following story includes such smarty-pants, but there’s also a deeper moral to the story.

Namely, English arbitrator and Greener Arbitrations founder Lucy Greenwood recently started a discussion on Twitter, which took an unexpected turn.

Lucy shared that her daughter became ill at school, and the school called her to tell her and ask her to come and pick her up.

However, the daughter explicitly told the school that her mom wouldn’t pick up the phone, so they better call her dad, but despite this, the school insisted on calling the mom.

Despite the heated discussion, one Twitter user asked ‘what the big deal was’. And that sparked another disucssion about a totally different topic – courtrooms.

People on Twitter absolutely loved the convo:

Source: Bored Panda

The post Mansplainer Claims You Can Use Your Phone In Courtroom, Gets School By Woman Judge appeared first on Femalista.

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