Some people take it all for granted, and that’s especially the case with some men that have been raised in a patriarchal society. They expect the wife to do all the cooking, have fresh socks at all times, a clean house, and all the other stuff that ‘a woman should do’. Well, TikToker Jalie that goes by the TikTok name @wifestrike was fed up with being the one that cleans up after her husband all the time, so she went on a week-long strike. During that time, she decided not to clean anything, especially after he complained that he was the one doing all the cleaning around the house.
Jalie documented each day of her week-long strike, and you can check out the end results below.
Many people found her videos both relatable and hilarious, and her strike turned out to be very effective, as it found out if her husband was really right about being the one that keeps the house clean.
Pt 1 wife on strike
I got the silent treatment all day yesterday because of my strike
everything he does when I ask is SO halfazzed
I couldn’t help myself in these areas and cleaned up
Mind you I only “get ready” a couple times a month if that
Wife strike progress update. Two more days to go
After her wife strike series went viral, Jalie continued uploading insights of what her husband does during the strike, what he eats, and how he handles it.
Bon appétit
Jalie believes that trying out your own strike might be the perfect solution for your husband to see what you actually do in the household. However, she advises to communicate with your partner before the strike, tell them that the strike is happening, and what led to that.
Interestingly, she shared that there have been some improvements with her husband following her strike, so she believes that the overall message is setting in.
Source: Bored Panda
The post Wife Goes On A Week-Long ‘Wife Strike’ To Stop Cleaning Her Husband’s Mess appeared first on Femalista.