Boris Johnson Thinks Biological Men Should Not Compete In Female Sporting Events

UK’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson shared his opinion over trans rights today, as he said that biological males shouldn’t be allowed to compete in female-only sports events. He added that parents should have involvement ‘at the very least’ in the decisions made by children to alter their gender, end he also had comments as he faced a Tory split over a ban on conversion therapy.

He backed making the practice of trying to force gay people to become hetero illegal.

However, he refused to extend the ban on the practice to trans people, despite the opposition from backbench MPs and the Scottish Tories. This is what the PM said:

“I don’t think that it’s reasonable for kids to be deemed so-called Gillick-competent to take decisions about their gender or irreversible treatments that they may have. I think there should be parental involvement at the very least. I don’t think that biological men should be competing in female sporting events.

We will have a ban on gay conversion therapy, which to me is utterly abhorrent. But there are complexities and sensitivities when you move from the area of sexuality to the question of gender. There, I’m afraid, there are things that I think still need to be worked out.”

Mr Johnson added that women should have dedicated spaces in hospitals, prisons, and changing rooms.

His take comes following the controversy surrounding Emily Bridges, the trans cyclist who won medals at university level racing as a man before transitioning.

She announced that she will start competing in female events, but the news weren’t warmly welcomed by many.

According to campaigners, many women and girls across the UK are dropping out of recreational sport because they’re being pressured to compete against trans women who are biologically male.

The Prime Minister still faces stiff resistance from the backbenches over the decision to allow the practice to continue, even though he agreed to outlaw it for gay people.

Emily Bridges was cleared to compete by British Cycling after she reduced her testosterone to the required levels. However, she was blocked by the UCI, whose guidelines allow them an expert panel to review a case.

In an interview last week, David Lappartient, the president of UCI said that their current rules on testosterone are ‘probably not enough’, and it remains to be seen whether Bridges will be deemed eligible to race after the six-week deadline.

Source: Daily Mail

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