Florida Student Gives Important Lesson on the Stonewall Riots Following State’s Controversial New Law

You can say whatever about Gen Z kids, but you have to give them credit for the amazing empowerment they exude. Organizing protests? They got it. Demanding to be taken seriously as their true selves? They got it.

Although many people believe that Gen Z’s are lazy and incompetent, it turns out that these ‘kids’ are vocal and it’s hard to put them in a box. They’re in a league of their own, and Will Larkins is one of them.

Larkins is a junior at Winter park High School in Winter Park, Florida, and he’s now a famous LGBTQ+ activist. He’s the president and co-founder of the school’s Queer Student Union, and he led the walkout of over 500 students in protest of Florida’s proposed ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill.

Larkins posted a video to his Twitter account that showed him teaching a history lesson on the Stonewall riots that took place in 1969 – something that many people don’t learn about in school.

After his history teacher allowed him to do so, Larkins presented his PowerPoint presentation about the history of LGBTQ+ and the right for civil rights.

After he posted the video of him presenting on the 1969 riots, some people were confused at why he decided to wear a dress – but his answer was rather simple – because he wanted to.

His presentation went viral, and he went on to share how Day 2 of the history lessons went:

Well done, Will Larkins!

Source: Upworthy

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